Note: While our content is authentic, we have hidden some of our client’s names as we do not want to make it conspicuous and cause their identity any concern. The testimonials are published directly from the patient’s pen with their consent to retain the originality.

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Spo2 levels improved within a week!

Let me Express my gratitude to vaidya ji.

I will start from the day when I got the call about my father’s ill health with heavy breathlessness.
My father’s age is almost 80 years, is diabetic and was diagnosed with typhoid a week before.

With so much difficulty he was admitted in general hospital, Gonda, UP.
Immediately I took medicine from vaidya ji and flew to the hospital and started the medicine without any delay.

Kiran Ranadive

Back to work within 2 weeks post COVID! 

Hello, I was suffering from post covid symptoms like acute fatigue, dizziness (was not able to stand properly) and normal medications were not being very helpful. One of my friends gave me the phone number of Dr Jaykrishna for Ayurvedic treatment. I spoke with the Doctor and we discussed my symptoms, personal check was not possible as I am based in Mumbai and Dr is based out of Hyderabad, however Doctor gave me Ayurvedic medicines for my symptoms for a week, took updates on my food intake and suggested modifications. 

Glad to say the medicines worked wonders, change in diet was helpful and I could see improvement within a week. Dizziness was gone completely by the second week and fatigue was gone by the end of month. Thanks to Doctor Jayakrishna, have started working late night shifts since the second week of my medication and he has been a miracle worker for me.

Vinod Jain

Begin your treatment with Ayurveda as soon as possible!

I am Vinod Jain and it is my feedback regarding the Ayurvedic treatment I took for the Covid infection to me and my wife. My CT score was 16/25 when I started ayurvedic medicines as per advice of vaidji. 

Within two days I was 30-40% better. My wife was in hospital and not responding to treatment. After advice from Vaidji, I gave her Ayurvedic medicines also in the hospital. Now she is discharged and at home. 

I cannot tell you how indebted I am towards Vaidji and Ayurveda. I think everyone in this group should encourage others to adopt Ayurvedic treatment as soon as possible to avoid further complications. A big thanks to Vaidji who is helping mankind.

Hare Krishna

I would like to share my experience of COVID treatment and how it further strengthened my faith in our age-old Ayurvedic treatment

Around 9th September, I had my first symptom that was body ache which then moved to fever the next day and stayed for another day. On the fourth day, I experienced loss of taste and smell. Since 4 days I had been taking all allopathic treatment as suggested by my near and dears.

Then due to the mercy of Lord and devotee, Akhandanand Prabhu – we came under the counselling of Vaidya Ji and with full faith in him, we moved ahead. We felt so blessed because the results were visible from the next day itself. I felt an increase in my energy and I religiously followed all the diet instructions and medicines as suggested. After 3-4 days, I felt much better but there was a persistent cough, a dry cough and again we talked to Vaidya Ji. He suggested Kantkari Aveleha and Swasakasa Chintamani and I was astonished with the results as my tough cough was totally gone in 2 days and I was out of my isolation on 20th!

But I never knew there was still some more fight yet, I had severe pain in lower portion of my legs, especially the calves and feet. Again, Vaidya Ji suggested medicine and I was perfectly alright within a week.

My faith has enhanced multiple times on our traditional treatment of Ayurveda and I am preaching it to all my near and dears. I sincerely believe that this is the BEST and there is no replacement for it in modern treatments.

I am sincerely thankful to Vaidya Jayakrishna Ji.

34 Years (Female)
Czech Republic

Hi, I was suffering with dry cough for the last 4 months and I went to the hospital for treatment and had to undergo many tests – medistinnumscopy, brancoscopy – and TB related ests and various blood tests to find the root cause. Meanwhile, I consulted Dr. Jayakrishna in the fourth month and he suggested that I take cow ghee and sesame oil with hot water, an hour before breakfast and dinner. I followed his tips for two weeks and the dry cough is solved completely. I am very much thankful to the doctor for giving me this valuable treatment to me.

G.M.Srinivasa Bhat

I am a patient of hypertension and diabetes since several years. While hypertension is generally under control, sugar was not under control and hovered around 300 in random samples.

Therefore, when I got fever and had difficulty while breathing i.e. when I was breathing deep, I felt pain in the upper part of my chest. I got worried as COVID 19 was going around. I never tested myself for COVID, due to the risk of catching it while testing! I always had my sense of smell and taste, I’d like to mention.

I immediately got in touch with Vaid Jayakrishna and he took stock of the situation. I isolated myself to avoid passing on the virus to others in the family. As he started me on kashayams and batis (pills) for both curing the viral infection and for controlling fever. He also started me on a strict diet to control sugar as without controlling sugar, the virus would take control of the body! He was kind enough to courier some of the medicines, which were not locally available here.

He was continuously monitoring my vital readings: temperature, oxygen levels, sugar and blood pressure.

I was given a simple breathing exercise and asked to go out into the sunlight. Inhalation of steam was also recommended to be done at least once a day.

He also asked me to complement the treatment with prayers.

All the above measures helped in curbing the spread of the virus and my fever also came down.  However, it was not stopping, even after two weeks.  Dr. Jayakrishna meanwhile, added or substituted kashayams and batis according to the stage of the treatment. One major relief was that the fever was always coming down.

The sugar levels came down within a few days, by following the diet recommended by Dr.Jayakrishna. I took red rice with rasam, neer dosa made from ragi, pomegranate and apple (no bananas!), nuts (cashew, walnut & almonds), which gave me a little variety and strengthened my immunity as well. No milk or curds or other dairy products as well and a strict no-no to snacking.

Coughing, which started about a week after the fever, was largely occurring during washing and exposure to cold or irritation of the throat due to pungency in food. Coughing was also getting under control and was reducing always.

The coughing stopped after a couple of weeks, occurring rarely, however the fever was still mildly there after even three weeks. This is when Dr. Jayakrishna introduced a ‘Gritham’, essentially a medicated Desi Ghee (clarified butter as prepared in India), which was ‘the final nail in the coffin of the virus’ as explained by him!

He also started me on a couple of medicines to strengthen my system.

After about one month of being with me, the fever finally bid farewell, thanks to the concerted efforts, specialized knowledge, patience and expertise of Dr. Jayakrishna.

I sincerely thank him, particularly for attending to my calls and queries and daily feedback that gave me confidence that I am in safe hands.

Though I have had experience of him having treated my wife and daughter in the past and also my maid servant who was suffering from psoriasis, this is the first time I got treatment from him directly as also in these testing times. I could thus first hand experience the efficacy and holistic treatment of ayurveda from a master.

I wish him all the best and God bless him in his quest to treat more and more people and serve humanity.


This is to appreciate the treatment I received from Dr. Jayakrishna. I am an allopathy doctor working with an organization in Delhi.
In December 2020, I developed loose motions (6-7 times a day) and mild fever. I took allopathic medicine and it improved my health, so I stopped the medicine after three days. But, the fever and loose stools started again.
So, I got the COVID test done and I tested positive. I began the allopathic medicine again but it was not responding this time. I recalled that one of my colleagues who had also tested positive for COVID had taken treatment from an Ayurveda doctor.
So I contacted her and then I started my treatment as advised by Dr. Jayakrishna. Initially, there was no change as I was continuing allopathy medicine as well. It was a difficult decision to stop allopathic medicine as I was in a bad shape, had watery stools 6-7 times a day and lot of pressure from friends and neighbours to go to a hospital for proper treatment.
But I didn’t want to go as I knew there, i will be given many injections and face lot of side effects. Then I stopped all allopathy medicine and followed only ayurvedic medicine as advised by Dr. Jayakrishna and it was like magic!
Immediately loose motions improved and by the next day, the frequency reduced to just twice a day! I continued the medicines and diet as advised and slowly my digestion improved. My test came negative on the 14th day.
Ayurveda is our heritage and we must promote it and reclaim our health. Dr. Jayakrishna is a very good doctor and a boon for the society. It was my good luck to receive treatment from him. I wish him all the success and best wishes.

40 Years (Female)

I know Dr. Jaya Krishna for past 10 years. He initially treated me for my back pain. I took treatment for 3 months and was very thankful to him. Few years back he treated me for Urticaria (I was using high dosage of steroids) and it is because of him, I completely got rid of it. For past few months I am taking medicine from him for Carpel tunnel (doctors suggested a surgery and the pain was unbearable). I was unable to lift anything with my right hand. I owe it to Dr. Jaya Krishna, thanks to him that I am able to forget the pain and troubled days, my hand is back to normal and I feel so happy coming back to usual life. He is a blessing. Not just me, but my entire family get his advice and stay healthy. He is a selfless person and I thank him for being such a wonderful person and a great doctor.

Mrs. Sujata Rakesh
Hypothyroidism and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

My father brought Dr Jayakrishna in our lives owing to his experience with him. I have been a thyroid patient for the past few years, and the readings have been fluctuating off and on. I haven’t met him in person, yet, with a few details and history, Dr Jayakrishna, with his medicines, managed to get all my parameters well in control. The next challenge for me was a sudden onset of Carpel Tunnel. I was prescribed steroids and other heavy antibiotics to ease the pain. However, Dr Jayakrishna assured me that he would take care of this challenge too, and he did it beautifully. Just in a month and a half, after taking his medicines, I am now able to do all the activities which seemed a distant possibility once upon a time. “Thank you” is a very small term when I weigh the blessings I have got through him.


I am a resident of United Kingdom. I was diagnosed with severe depression and spondylitis. I have started medication for depression but was struggling a lot with side effects. Doctors in UK told me that I may have to use medicines forever. I was very worried and struggling to cope with my normal life.

I have been referred by my cousin to see Dr Jayakrishna when my condition worsened. I visited Dr Jayakrishna at his clinic in 2017. He started treatment with Brahmivati, Manasamitram and Perali with which I could feel the difference after couple of months. My life slowly started getting to normal. After continuing the medicines for more than a year, he suggested to add Mahakalyanakam Ghrutham. I am now feeling 85% better to how I was before starting the treatment even though I am no more taking Manasamitram for last 2 months.

Honestly I never thought my problem can be treated with no side effects. A million thanks to Ayurveda and Dr Jayakrishna. Dr Jayakrishna never let me lose hope and was always available on phone being positive and encouraging to use the medication based on my condition. My biggest advantage of taking treatment from an expert of Ayurveda is that, I didn’t have to be in person frequently for consultation and still the treatment continued with just phone consultation.

While we are living in the time of corporate hospitals and treatment becoming expensive ever before, Ayurveda practitioners like Dr.Jayakrishna are hope for an affordable and effective treatment.

Pidaparty Purna Satya Hariprasad

In 2012, I suffered with Sciatica for almost six months and was almost immobile. Allopathic doctors recommended surgery on my spine. Then I consulted you.

I took the medication as suggested by you and followed medicated oil massage by your assistant Biju for more than 4 months. I felt confident, I was substantially cured. For the last 5-6 months, I was unable to walk for even 50 yards due to pain in both knees. Doctors suggested knee cap replacement. I turned 84 last week, and wanted to avoid surgery at this age. I had no other go except to seek your help. I preferred Biju again. I completed 8 sessions in the morning. My relief was about 70% and I need to continue for two or three more weeks.

I am indeed grateful to you and Biju. His dedication and commitment to service is commendable.

May God bless both of you long life, good health and prosperity.

Letter from a young patient

This letter from me, is for healing me from head to toe. I came to you for my leg pain and the hip pain. The previous doctors, though called the best, could not heal me, nothing helped. But when you just gave me the tablets and the Katibasti, the pain faded away! This letter is the only way for the help you have done to me. This still is nothing in front of what you have done to me. Thank you Doctor.


38 Years (Male)
Canberra, Australia

I am 38 year old male and was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis – mild to moderate – in early 2015 and it’s an autoimmune condition(like loose motions with mucus and blood). I was not happy with allopathy medication provided then I got to know about Ayurveda in early 2016 and tried the medication; slowly symptoms reduced and I was perfectly fine in two months’ time. Then I started eating all types of food slowly, and increased my food spice level. But suddenly after a few months, the condition triggered again and I started to lose weight and tried same Ayurveda medication but was not satisfied. In early 2018, one of my friend’s aunt suggested I visit Dr Jayakrishna Garu.
I was in Hyderabad at that time, and he told clearly that it’ll be a long process and I need to be patient to get completely cured. The main cause of this condition is food, you have to be really careful and never eat spicy food. Its always better to stay away from outside food. In three months the medication from Dr Jayakrishna Garu started helping me get better, again it was not completely cured but symptoms started getting better like reduced diarrhoea without mucus and blood in the stool and then after three months I visited him again and he advised to keep faith and I did , believe it or not medication started working slowly and my symptoms got so much better , piles problem also got better and able to digest food properly and started to increase my appetite also started to feel bit strong and all in one word ‘Ayurveda’ is the best medication because no harm for the body
I am waiting for my colonoscopy to get more clear indication of existing condition will keep you posted.
Thank you so much Dr Garu.

Doctor’s opinion: Patient was advised proper diet and to keep a note of any aggravation after intake of any particular food item
Also since the condition is a very difficult one to be treated patient was advised to have patience and the importance of persevering with the treatment

43 years (Female)
Lumbar Disc Generation

Hai, this is Bhanumathi, I’m 43 years old and work as a school teacher. Since January 2018, I started experiencing severe pain and numbness which was spreading to the spinal cord.
I approached an orthopedic surgeon and after undergoing some xrays and other tests, I was prescribed some medicines but they provided very little relief. Again, I approached my family physician in February who suggested I go for a MRI scan of the lumbar spine which revealed diffuse disc bulge at L4 and L5 with posterocentral bilatetapalparacentral disc extrusion with caudal migration at L5 S1.
Again, I was referred to Dr. RTS Naik, a neuro surgeon who advised surgery after seeing the MRI and I also consulted Dr. Sita Jayalakshmi and Dr. G Satyanarayana, neuro physicians for a second opinion. Both of them advised to opt for surgery as well or else to take complete rest for a certain period of time. After a lot of discussions, I informed my brother about the situation of my health, who advised me to go for Ayurvedic treatment and referred me to Dr. Jayakrishna of Agastya Ayurveda, located at Ananadbagh X Roads.

I met him in the last week of March and initially after seeing my reports he told me the case is a little bit complicated and advised some medicines internally and panchakarma treatment for external use for a period of 45 days and if I did not get relief, surgery was the next step.
But after using the medicines for two months, I have seen a great relief and at present have come out of the surgery zone and able to do all my work normally.

All credit goes to Dr. Jayakrishna Sir who has given a new life to me and the treatment is still going on.

21 Years (Male)

2-1 semester.

As you all know that narcotics are very common in every engineering college. And now a days it made it’s entry into Intermediate colleges too. And I was one of the victim of the Devil.

It all started in 2-1 Semester of my graduation. I was introduced to it by none other than “Friends”.

Yes, there are good friends. But I was attracted and was much interested to the negative side. I wont name any narcotics I’ve used. At first it was everything to me, I was in a stage where I would do anything for it. My academics started to leave me. At first It was like 1-3 time a week, but at a point it was 4 times a day, and sometimes 4-6. Some may refer it as Jumbo J, Pop, Mad etc….

I was happy, Finding Peace, Pleasure. But after continuing it for a stretch of 1&1/2 year, On one regular devils day, I was already in its fences and the trance of it. At a point I was soo deep that I got a feeling that my life would end here itself. That was the most dangerous moment. After few hours when I was back to normal, I was like it was all the effect of the Trance. But it turned into a deadly nightmare. After few days my breathing was so low that I was not even able to breath with my mouth, Severe cough, frequent blood in sputum, I could not walk properly, stand properly, my hands and legs were shivering, high on fever. I thought it was normal viral fever but it continued for about 2 weeks. At a point my breath got harder and that was like last stage of my lungs to collapse. That point I conveyed all my problems with my “Best Friend” none other than my “Father”. He reacted very positively, and he simply took me to Dr. JayaKrishna. The saviour of my life. Just by seeing my face and my pulse he just said all of my problems and started studying them. I conveyed all the fears, problems to Doctor.

He gave me ayurvedic medicines and he wanted me to use them for a month with change of diet, daily routine and regular visits. The first 1 week were literally tough, deadly tough. Because it is difficult to get withdraw form the influence of the Narcotics. But the medicines which Dr. JayaKrishna gave me, they helped me withdraw totally from the Devil. After 1 month of usage I was fit, my breathing was improving rapidly and everything was getting into normal with immune system building itself. And I got back into my academics. All thanks to Dr. JayaKrishna. If I’m in an active condition that would be the blessings of Dr. Jayakrishna. I believe The lord Dhanvantri helped me in Dr. JayaKrishna’s form.

Who ever reads this, I have a request that if you know any person who is in the influence of Narcotics and wants to get help and withdraw from them, “Please” Don’t react harsh on them, react positively and immediately consult Dr. JayaKrishna. Trust me, you will be the most happy after getting treatment from him.


Testimonial from P.Venumadhav

My son, was suffering from skin disease (fungal infection) for 18 months, in this context we got it diagnosed with almost 4 professional doctor’s & had gone with powerful antibiotics & related ointments in turn , the process has gone worse & finally he was unable to attend the college & the itching has been aggravated to the extent he was unable to wear clothes & the infection has covered almost 80% of his body.& the most serious aspect is that my family was untouched by our relatives till date. Finally on friends advice, I got an opportunity to meet Dr.jaya Krishna & we are undergoing treatment for 2 months & it’s a miracle & dream come true as my entire family has come out of the menace almost 60% of the disease has been cured, further I can confidently say that the doctor has boosted our confidence level in using the ayurvedic medicine for the first time in our history, the Ayurvedic medicine which has boosted our moral &: now we are on track to recovery. So I recommend the Ayurvedic medicine to be used by everyone rather than English medicine where you can save Ur health from getting aggravated by using the English medicine & further u don’t have any side effects wherein u can save, health & other parts getting affected by using English medicine. So I strongly believe & recommend Ayurvedic medicine to be used for all the health problems.

Name of my son: P. Saketh

70 Years (Male)

I am a 70-year-old male. I was suffering from severe gastric problems combined with constipation etc. I underwent endoscopy followed by pantoprazole pack treatment(antibiotics included) Though I had temporary relief, the problem surfaced again after some time. I approached DR. Jayakrishna for Ayurvedic treatment. With the use of medicines prescribed by him, I m free from dis problem. Also, he has prescribed medicines for general health(for heart, nerves, chest etc) and i feel much better and am free from any major ailment. I could even reduce the dosage of my BP medicines(allopathic). I find Dr. Jayakrishna very pleasant in dealing with his patients. He listens to de problems patiently and prescribes only after a thorough examination. He discusses the severity of de problems openly and frankly discusses the time it may take for the cure. All my family members consult him. With the medicines prescribed by him, my granddaughter has been cured of a cyst n the stomach(though she was recommended for a laparoscopic surgery). I strongly recommend Dr.Jayakrishna for any chronic ailment as the first option before deciding any alternative treatment. Last but not de least his consultation charges are quite reasonable. I wish him all success.

30 Years (Male)

Dr.Jaya Krishna has been very professional and expertise in saving me from getting my spine operated for Disc Herniation. He is known for his profound knowledge in several Ayurvedic treatments and non-surgical procedures for many chronic health problems. I was advised spinal surgery by allopathy doctors but under treatment from Dr.Jayakrishna, I was healed in 42 days of panchakarma treatment. In spite of such great knowledge, he charges very minimal fees and is humble in speech.

Srikrishna Bhat
42 Years (Male)

I am a 42-year-old male. I was suffering from chronic cold-related problems. I used to get infected with various infections related to throat and sinuses. 2 years ago, I suffered an attack of severe upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), which resulted in me ending with damaged olfactory neurons, due to which I suffered from a severely dysfunctional sense of taste and smell. I then started ayurvedic treatment from Dr. Jayakrishna. The medicines given were very effective in not just reducing the frequency of infections but also in eventually bringing my sense of taste and smell to normalcy. In addition to treatment for cold-related problems, I have also taken treatment for other problems like cervical spondylitis and lumbar spondylitis. And the best part is the medicines given don’t come with the sort of side-effects that allopathy medicines bring along with them.

Smt. Tirumala Rani
40 Years (Female)

మీ వద్దకు ట్రీట్మెంట్ కొరకు 2015 లో వచ్చి కలిసాము. గర్భసంచికి నీటి తిత్తులు రెండు ఉన్నాయని మాకు తెలిసి, గైనిక్ డాక్టర్ వద్ద మందులు వాడినా ఫలితం లేక మీ గురించి మా సహ ఉద్యోగి గోపాలకృష్ణ ద్వారా తెలుసుకొని వచ్చాము. మీరు ఇచ్చిన మందులు వాడాక, నీటి తిత్తులు తగ్గిపోయాయి. ఆపరేషన్ అయ్యే పని తప్పింది. చాలా మానసిక ఒత్తిడి తగ్గించారు. మిమ్మల్ని కలవడం మా అదృష్టం. ఎలాంటి సైడ్ ఎఫెక్ట్స్ కూడా లేవు. ఆరోగ్యాంగా కూడా వున్నాము. చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు తెలుపుకుంటున్నాము. తక్కువ ఖర్చుతో 40 రోజుల్లో నయం చేసిన మీ మందులు మా పాలిట అమృతంగా భావిస్తున్నాము.

నీటి తిత్తులు ఉన్నప్పుడు రోజు భోజనం తరువాత, పీరియడ్స్ టైంలో తట్టుకోలేని నొప్పి. మాములు సమయంలో కూడా బయటనుండి నొక్కి చుస్తే కూడా నొప్పిగా ఉండటం వల్ల హాస్పిటల్ కి వెళ్ళాను. మందులు వల్ల ప్రయోజనం కనబడక ఆపరేషన్ కి సిద్ద పడిన సమయానికి మీ గురించి గోపాలకృష్ణ గారు చెప్పారు. అయన సయాటిక నొప్పితో, మానసిక శారీరక ఒత్తిడితో కాలేజి కి రాలేక దిగులు చెందుతున్నారు. మీ గురించి తెలిసి ఆశతో మీ దగ్గరికి వచ్చారు. మీరు ఇచ్చిన మందులతో అయన వారం రోజుల్లోనే మామూలుగా నడవగలిగారు. కాలేజిలో గంటలు తరబడి నిలబడి క్లాసెస్ మామూలుగా తీసుకుంటున్నారు. మాకు చాలా ఆశ్చర్యం కలిగింది.

నమ్మకంగా మీ వద్దకు మేము కూడా వచ్చాము. మా నమ్మకం రెట్టింపు అయ్యింది. మాకు ఆపరేషన్ నుండి విముక్తి కలిగించారు. ఖర్చు కూడా తగ్గింది. సైడ్ ఎఫెక్ట్స్ కూడా లేవు. మేము అదృష్టవంతులం. మీకు ధన్యవాదములు.

15 Years (Female)

My name is Shruthi and I am 15 years old. I have been suffering from severe headache for the past 2 years . I have been to many doctors and visited many reputed hospitals for a remedy but landed up with a bunch of side effects . I have undergone , all the possible test including C.T. Scan , MRI Brain etc but of no use, all my reports were normal . No doctor could detect the actual cause of my headache . Some said it was migraine and put me on migraine medication . But still I found no relaxation in my pain . Due to this headache , I was unable to attend my school regularly . Though interested I couldn’t participate in any of the activities in the school . I always felt lethargic. My health was a big concern for my family too . Off late I had developed severe headache which was persistent for about a month . It was so severe that I had to forgo my school. I was unable to open my eyes and see the light also. One day one of our neighbors suggested to consult Dr.Jayakrishna . When my mother spoke to him about my condition , he was kind enough to do the consultation at my place . He just touched me once and said that I was suffering from sinusitis but not migraine . He had prescribed some medicines and suggested a diet which I strictly followed.His medicines helped me to recover within just 72 hours.Though I have no words to express my gratitude I still would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Jayakrishna from the bottom of my heart for his treatment which helped me to recover from this suffering. A VERY BIG THANK YOU DOCTOR.

Arun Kumar
45 Years (Male)

This is Arun Kumar, aged 45 years, was suffering from Psoriasis since 2010, was visiting all leading skin specialists , was treated with several medicines which overall affected my appetite and various other side effects but could not cure Psoriasis, with lot of patience and anticipation that allopathy will cure Psoriasis I was taking medicines for two years, nothing changed. then for one year, I tried with Homeopathy without any result.

By God’s Grace, I have contacted Dr. Jaya Krishna as advised by my father, after taking prescribed ayurvedic medicines for six months I am completely out of this mess, 100% psoriasis cured by Dr. Jay Krishna. Not only a Good Doctor he is also a wonderful Human being. I take a lot of personal and professional advice from Him. God Bless Dr. Jaya Krishna.

56 Years (Female)

I am Nandhini, aged 56 Years & I have been suffering from severe giddiness, difficulty in balancing while walking and burning sensation at the back of my head. I have been taking Allopathic treatment for more than 4 years and as there was no complete recovery I tried a Homeopathic treatment which gave some temporary relief. But this was causing a lot of other issues, especially in the mornings. Last year I consulted Dr. Jayakrishna, who was treating my Husband, after taking medicine for Cervical spondylosis, I find a lot of improvement. Also as the Ayurvedic treatment did not give any other adverse health issues I am consulting Dr. Jayakrishna for all health-related Narratives big or small.

62 Years (Male)

I am M.V.Raman aged 62 years, was suffering from Allergic Bronchitis 2015 & was under Allopathic medication for about 6 months. I was prescribed with Rabeprazole, Montelocust, Terbutylene etc by one of the leading Pulmonologist. Due to heavy dosages, I got further health complications and then I wanted to shift to Alternative Medical therapy. My natural choice was Ayurvedic and I had earlier consulted Dr. Jayakrishna by accident for some knee injury, where recovery was impressive. After taking the prescribed Ayurvedic Medicine for a full term I am completely relieved from the Allergic Bronchitis. The best part is the permanent cure of the menace. Also, I have been having issues with my Lumbosacral Spine for quite some time & after being treated by Dr. Jayakrishna, I feel considerable improvement. Upon regular interaction with Dr. Jayakrishna, My perception of visiting the physician for illness has changed to Visiting Ayurvedic specialist for HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE, especially at my age of 60 Plus, and I find Dr. Jayakrishna is the right person available.

Anjali Vyas Joshi

This is Anjali Vyas Joshi 7 years back I suffered from bone TB, there was Tuberculosis infection in my Hip join I was on ATT anti-tuberculosis treatment for 14 months but I couldn’t get complete relief from the pain, then one of my relatives suggested me to take Ayurvedic medicine and took me to Dr.Jayakrishna , Dr treated me for 9 months and now I don’t have any kind of pain ,thanks to Dr.Jayakrishna and Ayurveda, I suggest everyone believe in Ayurveda, because there is complete treatment for all kind of health problems in Ayurveda

Sandeep Bandyopadhyay
38 Years (Male)
Krupa complex, Hyderabad

I was suffering from chest pain for which I did ECG, eco cardio and TMT test but everything was normal the problem was gastritis. I meet Jayakrishna sir and initially, I was reluctant to use ayurvedic medicine since I did not believe in any medicine except allopathic. But after taking his medicine I was completely cured.
Secondly, because of my back pain problem, I was suffering a lot but after Jayakrishna sir’s medicine am in a lot better condition within 3 days.

My daughter when she was 2 yrs old she was suffering from continuous vomiting for which no allopathic medicine was working. My pediatric doctor said to admit my daughter to the hospital. Then after taking Jayakrishna sir’s medicine, she was completely cured within 7 days. Now till date, if she is feeling nauseatic he uses the same medicine.

My wife was suffering from sinus problem which was completely cured after taking Jayakrishna sirs medicine. Secondly, there was some hormonal disbalance problem for which also was cured after taking Jayakrishna sir’s medicine

My mother is suffering from arthritis problem for which she is having knee problem for which after taking Jayakrishna sir medicine she is better now.

Overall conclusion, our entire family was taking only allopathic medicines for any problems and now we have completely shifted to Ayurveda and the same is our first preference. Thanks to Jayakrishna sir for his kind support and wonderful consultation for which we are in a better health condition. We just all to shift to Ayurveda as it has equal and sometimes better treatments with zero side effects

48 Years (Male)

I was suffering from the severe liver problem. I was under treatment for more than 5 months under Dr.RXXXXX XXXXh but my problem became worse. I was advised to go for all types of checkups at KIMS. I spent a lot of money for checkup and medicines but no improvement, I was not able to take food for more than 5 months. I was given better medicines available but nothing worked out. I almost lost hope in my life and very much worried about my children. One fine day my friend from Iskcon temple visited my place and shocked to see my health conditions he immediately asked me to meet Dr. Jaya Krishna, same day met Dr. Jaya Krishna he examined my problem and asked to stop so many medicines and gave me two kashayams, I was astonished I repeatedly told Dr. Jaya Krishna that my problem is severe you are treating me so lightly, Dr Jaya Krishna replied smilingly don’t worry you will be all right immediately take this two kashayams I had taken the kashyams left the clinic half heartedly, I used the medicines for only one and half day surprise I was feeling better, very next day I was aĺl well, This was really a miracle in my life, my wife my children were surprised to me coming back to normal condition but I think their prayers to Lord came back to me in the form of Dr. Jaya Krishna garu who saved my life, Me and my family are very grateful to Dr.Jaya Krishna. My acute problem was fatty lever due to excessive consumption of alcohol, my stomach has fully bulged, my abdomen was severely paining and was badly damaged and I have developed pain in my chest also, even my BP 170/110. Very high very dangerous situation. I have taken treatments from 1) Dr.Rehmat Ullah – Appolo Hospital. 2) Dr.Rama Swamy – Saluja Nursing home. 3) Dr.Sudhakar B.G.K. – KIMS. 4) Dr. C/O VHC – Vijaya Healthcare. 5) Dr M.P.Sharma. Ayurved Ratna, badichaudi, Hyderabad. My alcohol intake before taking ayurvedic medicine was 2full quarters (i.e) 6 pegs and 1 strong beer daily. But now my intake is 2 pegs or 2.5 pegs per day. Drastically reduced i am not feeling that much attached due to the impact of Gandarvahastadi kashayam & Mahamanjistadi Kashayam.

A. K. Meiti
50 Years (Male)
A resident of Old Alwal, Secunderabad

I suffered a lot due to anxiety related problems like insomnia, stress, etc. Used for a long time the alopathic medicine but those are good for short term. Not suitable for long term and cannot cure the problem. Body slowly get damaged and develop other health problems. Ayurvedic treatment gives better relief even though it takes time but sustainable. I got good relief after consulting Dr Jayakrishna. In fact I prefer to consult him for our family problem. I strongly recommend him.

A testimonial from Dhruv’s father

My son Master G. Dhruv a student of class 10, suffered regularly with severe cold, cough and throat infection. I was told that he was suffering from “bronchitis”. The allopathic medication given by the pediatrician made him drowsy and skip school. This situation continued periodically. I could not find a proper remedy to his problem. As I was under regular consultation with Dr. Jaya Krishna regarding my knee problem and had very good results within a short span of time, felt it would be better to consult him. After my child was examined by the doctor, I was told that he had allergic cold and not bronchitis to my great relief and after the use of prescribed medication he is fine and regular to school.

A testimonial from Gaurav’s father

As a father of Mr Gaurav who has taken treatment from vaidya Dr Jayakrishna
I would like to write few words in this regards ,due to intake of pain killers tablets suggested by allopathy doctors , he had severe body pains when he was at the age of 8 or 9 years, nearly for 4 months we consulated with so many specialist for his treatment but we did not get any results from it .these 4 months he or we did not have proper sleep.
Finally god has directed us to consult Dr Jayakrishna for ayurvedic treatment,with in 10 days of his medicines the pain reduced and in short span of time he was able to sleep properly.
Now he is perfectly alright and is working in one engineering firm after completion of his engineering.

Ms. Sridevi Madhukar
A resident of Defence Colony, Secunderabad

Severe knee pain completely gone with treatment from Dr. Jayakrishna

Hi! I am Sridevi Madhukar a working woman in my mid 40’s and a resident of Malkajgiri. After my accident in Nov ’17, I developed severe knee pain and couldn’t walk. No amount of allopathic medication could cure or reduce the pain. Homeopathy also was also not of much use. On the advice of my sister I had consulted Dr. K. Jaya Krishna three months ago. Initially I was sceptical to try ayurvedic medicine, but the counselling of the doctor helped me over come my doubts. I was given medication for not only knee pain but also the swelling in my legs, within a month the pain had subsided and I started moving freely. I could easily climb stairs. The swelling which developed due long use of pain killers, had also come down. Three months into regular use of the medicines given by Dr. JayaKrishna Iam able to do my regular work with out any pain.

J. Usha
42 Years (Female)
A resident of New Nallakunta, Hyderabad

Sciatica troubled me for years – Dr. Jayakrishna helped me get over it in just two months

Doctor Jaya Krishna is an efficient and very good Ayurvedic doctor and being a Yoga practitioner, he will suggest small exercises/Movements/Pranayama also for naturally curing the problem/Disease instead of depending fully on Medicines.
He is kind, caring, polite and made our entire family feel proud that we are in very capable hands and we treat him as our family doctor. Though Agasthya Clinic is around 7 kms from our New Nallakunta residence, we used to travel to get the treatment .

He always takes time with Patients, Listens politely and answers all questions/Doubts and never seems anger or to be in a rush to move on to the next patient. I suffered with ‘SCIATICA’ which is unbearable and very painful. I heard that it takes longer time and needs to take lot of Pain Killers and Antibiotics to cure this problem. I don’t want to take Allopath medicines as they Leads to Acidity problems and approached Doctor jaya Krishna, which was proved my decision is correct.
After taking a dose for TWO Months now I am comfortable and almost my problem is solved. He is providing/developing “ADVANCED AYURVEDA” as he diagnosis the problems both by Seeing PULSE/NAADI Science as well as Diagnostic Lab Reports for cross checking instead of relying on only NAADI. Which is making him able to understand and cure the disease within limited period. His problem analyzing and solving techniques are very attractive, will come to conclusion only after thorough analysis instead jumping to conclusion in the first attempt. Many of our relatives, friends from long distances like Kothagudem, Bhadrachalam and even Abroad like Singapore also we have referred to Dr.jaya krishna ,they also got very good results and found satisfactory with his treatment and approach towards the Disease/Problem. As he is available in WHATSAPP and Mail, patience are using this option to send/share updated Scan reports for analysis instead of visiting to his clinic every time. He will parcel the medicines through courier and even accepts online transfers/NEFT will saves lot of time and energy for the patience.

Mr. Siva
A resident of Nagole, Hyderabad

Son’s wheezing and lung and nasal discharges – cured in just 2 months!

I live near Nagole. My 10yr old son had been having wheezing problems, lung, and nasal discharges for many years, and the same used to be pronounced during the winters. We actually carried along a nebulizer wherever (outstations) we went! I came to Dr. Jayakrishna while I was myself in search of a good Ayurvedic doctor because of faith in this and only holistic system of medicine! The connection happened through my wife. ‘Vaidyo Narayano Haruhi’ it is said. For us meeting the ever so pleasing and welcoming doctor itself seemed as if half the problem solved! My son was prescribed medicines and diet regulations which we followed religiously. As per prescription, diet regulations included reducing milk intake, switching to cow milk, reduction of all milk based western breakfasts, packaged foods etc. Exercise recommendations included Suryanamaskaram – which we did fairly regularly.

A problem that had been crippling us for many years magically vanished within just 2 months into the medication! Now he hardly uses even the handheld allopathic inhalers and medications that we were so much dependent on. This is unbelievable but true. Finally, as a scientist and a person following western medicine and healthcare industry, I can only say that we are entering an era when the big data & genome-driven modern medicine will soon fully endorse the efficacy of holistic Ayurveda & yoga, thus enabling health for all.

Mr. Ravi
46 Years (Male)

Tackles the root cause of disease – thank you Dr. Jayakrishna

My Name is Ravi my age is 46 yrs. I have diabetes from 2012 onwards. In 2015 when I was traveling back from Sabarimala I was hit by a stone in my right foot at one of the pressure points (more specific at acorn) and I developed a diabetic wound. At that time when I consulted my doctor, I was told that due to high sugar level and neuropathy in my leg this wound has developed and was put on 40 units of insulin and 4 gm metformin tablets both time ( morning and evening). Along with antibiotics, this treatment was for 6 months there was no improvement. Then one of my friends suggested trying homeopathy the same was also tried with no result in the meantime I also developed other complications like varicose vein issues and calluses in my right leg. As time passed the wound size increased and the pain and sloughing were persistent along with blackness in the leg.

At this time, one of the patients of Dr. Jaya Krishna suggested me to meet the Doctor which I did in June 2016. After taking medicines for 6 to 8 months I could bring my sugar level to normal by this time I stopped taking insulin and later the sugar tablets too by slowly tapering the dose.
I was now only on the medicines given by the doctor, rest and diet. Then we started to work the calluses this could be controlled in 3 months time along with different wound healing and antibacterial herbal meds along with the blood purification medicines. With all this under control then treatment started for varicose vein problem now this problem is also solved now I do not have any blackness in the leg my blood circulation to the leg is normal now the wound has started to patch up. we find good flesh and skin growth in the feet now I have sound sleep but before I would be having disturbed sleep and neuropathic pain in the leg now I do not have.
All this could happen because gods blessing and belief in Dr. Jaya Krishna along with his ability to understand the root cause of disease of the patient and providing the patient correct medicines for the disease. This is a brief write up of my case.

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Testimonial of a father whose daughter took treatment for vitiligo

A sustained and well planned treatment cured my daughter’s vitiligo 

My daughter was an in her early teens when she started developing white patches in the face. The patches were mainly on the forehead, under the eyes, and on the eyelids. There were a few patches on the neck too. We started getting alarmed at the size of the patches started to grow. A dermatologist was consulted and we were told that my daughter had vitiligo, commonly known as leucoderma. The doctor told us that there was no known solution to the problem and prescribed some steroids.

We did not immediately start the treatment as I was aware that steroids only provided temporary relief. I then started going through the internet and reading about the disease and the various methods of treatment available for the same. Ayurvedic treatment looked the most appealing. I, however, needed to know which doctor to consult for the treatment. One of our good wishers advised us to visit the Skandagiri Temple in Padmarao Nagar and assured us that if we worshipped there, we would be led by the Lord’s blessings to our goal. On Sunday, we all went to the Skandagiri Temple and after completing the darshans of all the deities in the temple, we were sitting, as per tradition, before preparing to leave.

One devotee casually stopped by and enquired from me regarding the treatment which we were administering to my daughter. I told him that we were still undecided on the issue. He advised us to consult one Dr. Jayakrishna in Safilguda and provided us his contact number. On the same day, even though it was a Sunday, but being an anxious parent, I called up Dr. Jayakrishna who asked us to meet him the following evening. On seeing the doctor, I immediately got the belief that I had come to the right person. Obviously, the divine forces had led me to the right place.

Treatment commenced immediately. Medicines were prescribed and my daughter was advised to abstain from spicy or fried food. Fresh fruits and vegetables were to form a major part of her diet. The results started showing after around three months when the patches started reducing in size from the outer periphery. As the months passed by, the color started dimming slowly from deep white to pale white and then normal skin color. It did take a long time, around two years. But I did not lose patience.

Vitiligo may not have any effect on general health. However, it can be devastating on the social front. Our anxiety as parents cannot be described in words. The mental torture that my daughter went through can also be understood. Today my daughter is totally cured. I bow before Lord Muruga for curing my child and thank Dr. Jayakrishna for his sustained and well-planned treatment. I would advise readers to have faith in Ayurveda and more so on Dr. Jayakrishna who practices it with such confidence and religious devotion.

Mr. Lalith
39 Years (Male)

No Migraine triggers – all thanks to Dr. Jayakrishna 

I had been suffering from an acute migraine for the last 30 years. I get these triggers almost every week and it lasts more than 3 days. I would get intense pain and would become extremely irritable, cannot sleep, cannot eat due to the pain. I have tried English medicine, home and ayurvedic all these years. English medicines gave me side effects like increase in weight and ended up having IBS because of high antibiotics. Every weekend of mine I end up with pain which used to impact my work and personal life.

One day during pooja in my home, I was very dull so my pandit asked me what happened. I explained to him about my migraine. So he immediately told me about Dr. Jayakrishna and explained to me how he helped him with his health problems and asked me to go to Agastya Clinic. Immediately I told him it’s of no use because I have tried every medicine on this planet. But he insisted me to visit the doctor. So during the weekend, I visited the doctor and to my surprise, he knows almost all the Indian languages. Me being a Tamilian i felt good explaining him the pain I suffer with. He held my hand and checked the pulse. And he explained what the problem is, what is the cause and how it can be solved. As I visited so many doctors in my life, I never used to be satisfied meeting them. But I got a internal confidence after meeting Dr. Jayakrishna The way he greets and speaks, it will give a hope for the cure.
I took the medicines for one month and I started seeing the change. After the exact 30 days, the trigger started reducing. From weekly once it lowered down to twice monthly. And I requested the doctor to give me SOS as after so many years of dealing with this pain I lost strength to deal with it. So he prescribed me SOS which I used to take when I used to get the pain.

After 3 months, the triggers used to come monthly once. Now its almost 1 year, am not getting migraine triggers.

I have a facebook page and a group of migraine patients, and with what good happened with me I informed everyone to visit Agastya Clinic because “NO MIGRAINE TRIGGERS” is like a miracle word for migraine patients.

Am glad I met Dr. Jayakrishna . He is a good person and a good friend. He is now my family doctor and is reachable always round the clock.

Thanks, Doctor and I would wish and pray for you to do wonders like this for every individual suffering from their health problems.

21 Years (Female)
A resident of Mangalore

Dr. Jayakrishna helped me overcome depression 

I am 21 years old girl from Mangalore. I have just completed Engineering. Seven years back I was suffering from pain in both hands. I couldn’t even bend my fingers. I was not able to write and do my work. Also, I was very depressed and spent so many sleepless nights because of that. I tried allopathic medicines for one year. But it was just a temporary solution and after some more months again I had to suffer from it. I was about to discontinue my education. At that time my uncle suggested me to consult Dr.Jayakrishna. He gave me some Ayurvedic medicines with diet. I continuously took the medicines for some months. After some months I was completely recovered.

Recently I suffered from another problem. I couldn’t read and understand subjects and was forgetting everything after some minutes. I couldn’t handle myself and was getting angry at everyone. I used to blame my parents and brother for everything due to depression. I was locking myself in a room and was crying a lot.

I couldn’t handle the pressure of my studies and used to get angry for lame reasons and was throwing everything I would get. Every day I used to shout at my parents and brother for my situation. In college, I used to sit silently and blank. I lost my confidence in completing engineering. This unusual behavior of mine made my parents worry and they immediately made me consult Dr.Jayakrishna again. After I got treatment from him for some time I got completely recovered and finally, I could complete my engineering. And now I have become a very confident girl. Thanks to Dr.Jayakrishna for his Ayurvedic treatment.

Testimonial of a mother whose daughter was detected with a cyst near ovaries

Daughter’s ovarian cyst dissolved without any surgery!

In a regular ultrasound advice for my daughter in September 2017, who’s 15 years old, a cyst near ovaries was detected. The cyst size was 7. 5 cm and upon further consultation with doctors, they advised immediate surgery to remove the cyst. As the cyst size was big it was dangerous to leave it as is. We were contemplating surgery when my father who was already undergoing Ayurveda treatment with Dr. Jaykrishna recommended us to talk to him once. We went and spoke to him and he gave us medicines for a couple of months and advise to retest after 2 months. He was sure that Ayurveda medicines would be able to treat the cyst and a surgery would not be needed. I gave the Ayurveda medicines regularly to my daughter and there was no impact to her daily routine. After 2 months we again went for a scan, and to our surprise, the cyst size had gone down to 2.5 CM. It was a big relief as the surgery was now not needed. We continued the medicines for another two months and went for a repeat scan in January 2018 end. To our surprise and delight, the cyst had dissolved completely and there was no trace of it. Thanks to Dr. JayaKrishna and Ayurveda, my daughter was completely cured without having to undergo surgery. This was like a miracle to us.

Thanks to Dr. JayaKrishna for helping us treat my daughter completely.

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Mr. Susheelendra
55 Years (Male)
A Resident of Malkajigiri, Hyderabad

Miraculous recovery in just 2 weeks!

I was suffering from unrelenting mouth ulcers in 2007. I am not all exaggerating when I say that my mouth and tongue would burn even when touched with water. My lips were swollen, my cheeks were resembling a football. I was not able to brush my teeth. Sambar rice, curd rice or chapathi needed to be smashed in the mixie and consumed in liquid form. No form of treatment was able to mitigate my suffering for around three months.

I had read about the Kottakkal Ayurveda treatments and how they were doing a great job in Kerala. I had however never tried Ayurveda treatment before. Since my suffering was unbearable, I thought that I would lose nothing by trying this line of treatment also. I happened to see Dr. Jayakrishna’s clinic when I was passing by on my bike. I went into the clinic and was greeted by a young and cheerful doctor.

After listening patiently to my agonizing tale, he told me that my problem had its roots in my stomach. Medicines for two weeks only were prescribed and the required diet was specified.

What followed can only be described as a miracle. After two weeks I was left wondering whether the agony I had gone through was real or imagined.

Most importantly, I had found a messiah and Ayurveda became my permanent system of medicine.

Mr. Ramchander

From severe insomnia to peaceful sleep all thanks to Dr. Jayakrishna

I am Ramchander, BE student, I started experiencing severe insomnia from 2nd year, tried allopathic medicine, got temporary relief with severe side effects, then I consulted Dr.Jayakrishna in 3rd year 2nd semester on the suggestion of My lab assistant, who himself got relief from frozen shoulder and kidney stones at Agasthya Ayurveda Clinic of Dr.Jayakrishna.He told that it takes some time to get rid of it since we are treating from its roots. I used to take 4 to 5 allopathic medicine daily. The health issue became so serious that, I am unable to attend classes, exams and discontinued the 4th year. While on the improvement of symptoms like feeling refresh, although woke up early in the morning around 3 O clock on the usage of Ayurvedic medicine, I tapered slowly allopathic medicine with the consultation of Neuropsychiatrist. Although medicine was tapered slowly after some extent of tapering, I started experiencing severe restlessness, which was said that it was withdrawal symptoms of clonazepam. So he made me use Librium for drug de-addiction. I used Librium for 21 days with a decrease in dosage. From then, I was free from allopathic medicine. Finally, I was cured of the issue completely in the span of 1 1/2 year from the consultation of Dr.Jayakrishna.Now everything was more than fine and continuing my education. Thanks to Ayurveda and special thanks to incredible Vaidyaraj Jayakrishna. Very grateful to him.

Mr. Prem

Severe IBS – overcome in just 6 months

I was suffering from severe IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I had visited many doctors but there is no solution for that, even I visited a reputed multi-specialty hospital doctor but it became a temporary cure for me.

Day by day I was losing my weight, continuous burning in my stomach and even I couldn’t take food properly, vomitings were there. One day I met my close friend Dhanunjay after a long time, suddenly he got shocked about my physical appearance I told my situation we both are strong believers of Indian Ayurveda and ayurvedic medicines, he introduced me to Dr. Jayakrishna who was a family Doctor to Danunjay.

After that, I had visited Agastya clinic. By hearing that clinic name and by seeing the clinic I felt very happy. I had visited Doctor he held my hand and checked my pulse just for a few minutes and explained everything about my problem and a solution to my problem. I was shocked and felt very happy.

Gave medicines for 15 days 10% problem was covered after 15 days I went there again and he crosses verified my pulse and gave medicine for 1 month within 6 months Everything was got cleared, earlier my weight was 43 kgs after my course I became almost 55kgs.IBS problem got resolved and Its only because of Dr. Jaya Krishna. Now he became my family doctor I usually visit Agastya clinic not only for a treatment but also to interact with Dr. Jayakrishna such a nice person. He is not only a Doctor but also a motivational speaker, a Writer, a friend, a teacher, a philosopher,the cow saver, especially the patriotic.

Please do visit and support Ayurveda but we people need the best ayurvedic Doctor and my best suggestion is Dr. Jayakrishna and visits Agastya Clinic. You people come to know.

Mr. Roop Kumar

From arthritis to psoriasis – definitely consult Dr. Jayakrishna for any issue

I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Jayakrishna to anyone looking to improve the quality of their life. I first met Dr Jayakrishna 6 years ago who was recommended by one of our close relative. At the time I was experiencing chronic Arthritis which was really taking a toll on my leg, I was not able to walk or climb stairs. The comprehensive treatment suggested by Doctor Jayakrishna and regular exercises, to my surprise I began to feel significant improvement. I now get a deep, restful sleep, awake feeling refreshed and my energy levels are back to normal. I am truly grateful to Dr Jayakrishna for his high level of professionalism and depth of knowledge combined with his genuine concern for his patients make him a standout in the field of Ayurvedic practitioners. Similarly, after seeing improvements in my health, Consulted Doctor Jayakrishna for my daughter who had Psoriasis for long which got cured in an year’s time.
I would thoroughly recommend Doctor Jayakrishna to near and dear and will definitely be continuing ongoing treatments for myself and my family with Doctor Jayakrishna on Ayurvedic treatment. Thank you for your trusted Ayurvedic advice and treatment recommendations which have immense value for patients.

Mr. Srinivas
32 Years - A resident of Bengaluru

Overcame chronic urticaria with ayurvedic treatment

I am a 32-year-old male. I was suffering from chronic urticaria – allergy which causes severe discomforting rashes on the skin, all over the body. Initially, I was mitigating it with a dose of a citizen. However, over time, the frequency of this allergy increased to 2-3 times/week. I approached Dr. Jayakrishna for Ayurvedic treatment. With the help of his medicines and a diet he prescribed, I was able to overcome this allergy completely. I’ve never had a similar instance again.

Mr. Saravana
30 Years Male. Malkajgiri

Avoided spinal surgery with Ayurvedic treatment

Dr.Jaya Krishna has been very professional and expertise in saving me from getting my spine operated for Disc Herniation. He is known for his profound knowledge in several Ayurvedic treatments and nonsurgical procedures for many chronic health problems. I was advised spinal surgery by allopathy doctors but under treatment from Dr.Jayakrishna, I was healed in 42 days of panchakarma treatment. In spite of such great knowledge he charges very minimal fees and is humble in speech.

Mr. Siva Subramanyam

Severe burns on feet – gone within a week !

Last year 2017 August, I went to Tamilnadu temple and I walked barefoot there. Due to the heat factor, my legs suffered severe burns in the bottom and I was not able to walk. I rushed to Hyderabad and met our beloved doctor. He checked and pacified me stating that nothing to worry, it would be cured in five days. I’m a sugar patient and with his great supervision, I was totally recovered within a week’s time. My legs were back to normalcy. Even now, while writing this note also, I was facing some foot scratches which lead to swelling. However, with the doctor support, I was relieved of my leg issues within a week’s time. My wife was suffering from Thyroid, spondilitis, back pain and hormonal disorder. We consulted Dr. Jaya Krishna and because of his kind treatment, she is now in comfort zone getting rid of all the above ailments. Even now she’s having knee pains and undergoing treatment. His medicines are a great relief to her and able to perform her domestic responsibilities without much difficulty.

Ms. Rashmi
25 Years (Female)
A resident of Bengaluru

Say bye bye to migraines

I am a 25-year-old female who used to suffer from severe migraine pains which would affect my work too. I was referred to Dr. Jayakrishna and with his Ayurvedic treatment and medicines followed by a strict diet, my migraine has been completely cured now. This course was for 6 months and it did wonders for my health.

Mr. Srikanth
37 Years (Male)
A resident of Safilguda, Hyderabad

Severe back pain almost stopped my life, but thanks to Ayurveda I can move again

2 years before I had severe back pain with L5 disc issue, initially I had instructed to take pain killer pills and injection which caused relief for just 2 to 3 hours. I was referred to Dr. Jayakrishna by one of my friends and I approached accordingly. I was not familiar with the ayurvedic medicine before and hesitated to take the suggested tablets. I was wondering now why I got panic on this stupendous way of getting a cure. With Dr. Jayakrishna’s guidance and regular exercise now I am ready to walk for a longer period and play with my son. Now I changed to ayurvedic medicine for any type of health issues. Thanks to ayurvedic medicine and Dr. Jayakrishna.

Mr. PPS Hariprasad

Regular massages and ayurveda helped prevent knee replacement!

Mr. Adishankar

Where others failed, Ayurveda helped me!

Dr. Sahadev Dasa
President - ISKCON Secunderabad, Chairman - ISKCON India continental committee

Hare Krishna. Its a privilege for me to write about Dr Jayakrishna, an old friend of ours. He is an expert in 3 systems of traditional Indian medicine – Ayurveda, Siddha and Panchagavya. These systems have assumed serious importance in these times of palliative care called Allopathy.
If you want to treat the disease, then you have to opt for either of these traditional systems.
Dr Jayakrishna is extremely learned gentleman and he can handle all kinds of chronic diseases which are plaguing modern lives. According to Lancet studies, 95% global population is suffering from one or more diseases and according to UN, there is tsunami of diseases.
Due to heavy travelling and workload, I suddenly developed a slipped disk problem and Dr Jayakrishna cured it almost completely. Of course, it requires regular exercise etc. Whenever I am with him, I feel confident and healthy! We need more of such principled and learned doctors which the country sorely lacks I wish him all the best, in the service of humanity.